How can I create a subdomain through HamroCP?

A subdomain can be used in different ways, and it's easy to do by means of HamroCP.

A subdomain can used for things like another site installation, test environment or another area of the site you wish to separate from the main domain (for example a gallery segment). You can verify them using our free WildCard SSLs.

To make a subdomain through HamroCP you:

1. Login to Hamro.Cloud

2. Find the hosting package you wish to add a subdomain to and select Manage
3. Select the option called Subdomains which is situated under the Domains heading

You would then be able to include your subdomain into the Subdomain box and select Create Subdomain. You're additionally ready to change the Document Root so you can coordinate the subdomain to the folder based on your choice.

Note: If the subdomain is to be separate from the main site, you can make a folder for it through the File Manager, FTP or SSH.

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