A white screen or Internal Server Error (blunder 500) as a rule means a content used by your site is throwing an exemption as well as deadly error. When this occurs, it will be logged by our system and you can see late errors inside the Access/Error Log of our control panel.
A '500 Internal Server Error' message on your website is as often as possible because of a mistake in the site file, for example, a .htaccess record or web.config file.
The first phase in investigating this is to check the Access/Error logs. To get these:
1. Sign in to Hamro.Cloud
2. Select the package that is showing inward server mistake
3. Select Access/Error Logs under the Logs and Stats section
You'll need to take a look at the 'Error Logs' area and check whether you can see the file path where the issue is. For example, you may see:
www.yourDomain.com [Tue Sep 05 09:49:41 2017] [alert] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xx:xxxxx]/home/sites/xx/x/xxxxxxxxx/.htaccess
In case you're running a Windows hosting package, remember to reuse the application pool in the wake of rolling out any improvements to your site arrangement. You can do this by signing into the hosting package, choosing 'Application Pool' and after that choosing 'Recycle Pool'.
A typical reason for an internal server error on WordPress sites is if you are running a contrary PHP version. A few errors are thrown if the server is running a form of PHP that isn't perfect with the site code. We currently support PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, PHP 7.0 and 7.1 or our Linux stage.
You can switch between these forms using the 'Switch PHP Version' symbol inside the control board
In case you're running WordPress, you should check if your WordPress administrator region is accessible. This is typically open by visiting http://your-domain.com/wp-administrator.
If it is, we'd suggest handicapping each module and subject and returning to the site thus to attempt and distinguish the main driver.
Additionally, if your site is on our WordPress hosting platform, if you don't mind note that this platform is PHP 7 only. While WordPress center is good with this PHP form, certain modules and subjects may not be. If so, we prescribe hosting the site on our Linux stage. You can automatically migrate errors from WordPress to Linux through the 'Platform Transfer' zone of Hamro.Cloud.
Increase the PHP Memory Limits
Some of the time the internal server error may happen in the event that you are depleting the PHP memory limit. You can build this by:
1. Logging in to Hamro.Cloud
2. Select PHP Configuration
3. Scrolling down until you see memory_limit. Change this to 1024M, and select Update PHP Configuration
4. Retry the page that was appearing inner server error by refreshing using CTRL + SHIFT + R.If this did not work, at that point you should set as far as possible back to 512M