Can I enable GZIP Web Server Compression?

Gzip is an incredible of packing files for quicker network transfers - helping them load faster, so improving site speed. It's also file format.

We encourage the use of and enable Gzip Compression by default in all our platforms. Compression is handled automatically by our Edge Cache systems, so no configuration is required on your part.

Note: Our temporary URL system does not use our edge caching, so any outer tests for compression against the temporary URL will demonstrate compression as disabled. This is expected and won't be the case when testing against your actual domain name.

Manual Configuration

If you're experiencing issues or need to empower pressure physically you can do as such by means of a ".htaccess" document.
Make, or edit if one already exists a file named ".htaccess" in your public_html directory.

2. Add the following line:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript

3. Save your changes.

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