Each Hamro.Cloud hosting package comes with a free special case SSL certificate, empowering you to use the more secure 'HTTPS' protocol to keep your site clients secure. To activate the SSL, you'll have to ensure you've indicated the domain name our nameservers.
These are:
With that done, you have to:
1. Within Manage Services, select Manage Hosting
2. Inside Manage Hosting, select Manage on the Hosting package on which you wish to activate the SSL
3. Under Security, click on the SSL/TLS symbol
4. You will  see your doman name and a choice to Activate Free SSL beside it - select this and the SSL will be applied to your domain
5. If you'd like every one of your visitors to use SSL connections (for example for HTTPS to always be used), just select the Enable choice at the bottom of the page​
When the SSL Certificate has been activated, it will take as long as 30 minutes to verify your site. This is because of the progressions should have been made on our load balancers.