How do I set up free hosting?

Hamro.Cloud offer promotion free facilitating, which is we don't charge-for. More data about our free facilitating - including its impediments - can be found here: Free Hosting.

Here's the means by which to set it up:

1. Sign in to Hamro.Cloud

Give us your subtleties by joining. Affirm your email address and sign in to Hamro.Cloud. The landing page will demonstrate to you the paid hosting choices and a domain look box at the top.

2. You need a domain name

You can't set up our free hosting without an enlisted domain.

There are two different ways to do this:

-In the event that you have a domain enlisted:

You'll have to transfer your domain to Hamro.Cloud. It's allowed to transfer a domain that closes in '', '' or ''. For other top dimension domains we'll need to charge an expense. This charge is equivalent to the enrollment cost and registers it to you for a year.

-In the event that you don't have a domain enlisted:

You'll need to enlist a domain.

3: Activate your free facilitating on that domain name

Presently you have your space name, the exact opposite activity is to enact that facilitating.

-Go to Hamro.Cloud, and pick 'Manage Domains'

-Select 'Manage' beside its name

-Snap the right-hand icon to 'Activate Free Hosting'

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