You can transfer hosting packages and domain names to different Hamro.Cloud clients through our Hamro.Cloud control panel.
To process a transfer, you have to realize the email address of the Hamro.Cloud record you wish to transfer the package to. The getting account will be sent an email advising them of an approaching transfer, and should acknowledge the move by signing into Hamro.Cloud. You will be advised through email when the new account accepts the transfer.
Transfer a Hosting Package
1. Login to Hamro.Cloud
2. Visit Manage Hosting
3. Discover the Options menu alongside the package you wish to exchange, and snap Transfer
4. Enter the email address of the Hamro.Cloud client you wish to exchange to
Transfer a Domain Name
1. Login to Hamro.Cloud
2. Visit Manage Domains
3. Deal with the domain name you wish to transfer
4. Snap Transfer Away
5. Enter the email address of the client you wish to exchange to
Please note that while domain names can be transfered between any Hamro.Cloud client, hosting packages must be transferred between two Hamro.Cloud resellers or from an reseller to an independent hosting package direct with Hamro.Cloud.