Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records help reduce the opportunity of your domain being ridiculed in spam messages. It can likewise build the deliverability of email to outer suppliers, for example, Gmail and Outlook.
We keep up a SPF record that is stayed up with the latest with all IP delivers used to transmit email from our network. This guarantees any email sent from our services passes a SPF check. To utilize this on your domain , you have to include a TXT record in DNS.
Sending SPF records automatically
You can make the SPF records get added automatically to all new hosting  packages.
1. Go to Account Preferences in Hamro.Cloud.
2. Select Automatically add Stackmail's SPF record to my DNS zones and click  Save.Default DNS partiality
Including SPF records 'manually'
Firstly, get to the DNS Management interface for your domain name. If the domain is enrolled with us, you can get to this from the Manage Domains zone of the control board. If the domain isnot with us yet is assigned to a hosting package, you can achieve this interface through the Manage Hosting - > Select Package - > Manage DNS segment.
Towards the base of the Manage DNS page you will see 3 contributions to enable you to include new records. To include it:
1. Leave the Name field clear
2. Select TXT for Type
3. Enter v=spf1 a mx - all as information
At that point save the changes. Your domain is presently secured by a SPF record.
You can use a similar record for all domain that use our mail services, anyway it ought to be noticed that the above record will tell outside suppliers the majority of your email ought to start from our system.If this isn't the situation the record ought to be refreshed in like manner.